

we love hiking. and challenges. so, when we stumbled across the website for the "Walls of Jericho"(aka the "Grand Canyon of the South"), we had to go. named by a traveling minister who was impressed by its grandeur, it is a hike that is well worth the effort.
intimidating. but we persevered.
one of two bridges we had to cross. (the second one had no rails whatsoever). we watched a mother with her 3 year old son clinging to her back for dear life scoot across this one. 

check out the "walls" behind us. this was at the bottom of the gorge. we had our dollar general lunch special of handi-snacks, mini pecan pies, and cereal bars. and camelbak water.   

the very beginning, and/or headwaters of the paint rock river. last place i would want to be in a thunderstorm.

these were all taken on the hike down. about the (strenuous) hike back up...we were in survival mode and not worried about pictures...at all.

according to tony, the (entire) appalachian trail is coming up on the agenda soon. 2,175 miles...i'll keep you posted on that one.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! Nashville Hiking Meetup just did Walls on Saturday and the water was so voluminous that the bowl you guys were standing in (headwaters) was completely full!
