Well, we bought our first house. We don't have a cute little picture by a SOLD sign but we (Tony) have had quite a project on our (his) hands.
I'll admit, I have not been very helpful whatsoever in the home renovation/restoration. Tony, on the other hand, has done an amazing job transforming it to a wonderful home for some lucky family! I can't describe how hard he has worked. I know he may feel overwhelmed sometimes, but it is truly turning into a beautiful home.
Here are some snapshots of the unfinished portions. Finished pictures will come after I clean! The descriptions of the pictures are in no particular order so use some context clues:
our guest bedroom, kitchen, luxurious shower head, AND three of the most beautiful (I think) items in our home....might I add, my wonderful husband installed and hardwired the chandelier all by himself!
...also, I had no idea I could blog from my phone, so there will be more frequent updates in the future!